I have come to believe that to be successful, one must always be open to continuous learning and improvement, and be willing to take on new challenges. I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to oversee a global legal team which has broadened my horizons and provided opportunities to continue my lifelong learning journey. For example, I have navigated anti-corruption, antitrust, and trade legislation across the world, and focused on continually improving the compliance program to meet the ever-changing landscape and deliver value to the organization.
While working in a global environment across multiple continents might sound daunting, it’s in fact the ideal scenario for expanding knowledge. I’ve learned that while our cultures differ: how we look, dress, greet each other, conduct ourselves in business, and govern ourselves, we are all still people at the end of the day with similar goals and concerns. If approached with an open mind, a spirit of collaboration, and a thirst for knowledge, working together is not difficult, it’s an energizing learning process.
Opportunities abound around the world for the upcoming generation of business people. Emerging markets like Brazil, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and China comprise just a small sample of countries that offer growth opportunities for future generations. One should not fear working overseas or with other cultures—embrace it for the adventure, education, and experience. I’ve gained so much personal satisfaction from learning how to work effectively across cultures to achieve results in challenging environments.
Young women should plan to be working with and in other countries throughout their careers. They can set themselves apart by doing so. They can begin learning second and third languages, study overseas, travel, and expose themselves to cultures through the food they choose to eat, the people they befriend, and the places they go. They can enhance their early learning by choosing to major in international studies, international business, or another globally-focused area. Gaining exposure to new cultures and continually challenging oneself ensures a constant flow of education opportunities throughout a career. It is deeply rewarding on a professional and personal level.