The Changing World of STEM
Our global economy is dependent upon technology. Technology has become an integral part of our everyday lives and is all around us. Even young children are exposed to and use technology on a daily basis at school and at home. As a result, the public is becoming more receptive to recognizing individuals working in STEM fields. I believe that this is particularly true in light of the ongoing pandemic, which has the entire world working to find a scientific solution to protect and save people’s lives.
Moving Women Forward in STEM
As women in STEM, we need to support and sponsor other women seeking to begin a STEM career or advance in a STEM field. It is important to serve as a sponsor for other women and to provide them with opportunities. Sharing experiences and lessons learned is particularly important in helping ensure that the women who follow us do not make the same mistakes we did and achieve their goals even sooner than we did.
My STEM Experience
As an engineering student and a practicing patent attorney, I have experienced being in a male-dominated environment, However, I believe that experience has not been a negative, but rather, a positive one, as it has motivated me to do my very best to succeed despite the odds. I went to law school to be a patent attorney and to use my technical skills and knowledge in STEM every day in helping others protect their intellectual property. I believe that it is important to share the lessons I have learned with young women who also have an interest in STEM and the legal profession.