Shaping the World for Others
Growing up in Troy, New York, as a Sikh and the daughter of Indian immigrants from Burma, I learned the rigors of hard work and the outcomes based on effort.
The roadmap for how I could achieve purpose in life began with strong family values taught by my parents and brother. Early on in my childhood, I participated in many charitable events, including fundraisers and community service at our Temple, where I learned the lesson of guiding one to a “better spot and giving back.”
Second, my athletic endeavors, in particular my love for soccer, tennis, and swimming, taught me passion and perseverance. Sports that tested me mentally and physically, and a father who told me to “always play with someone better than you,” helped me grow. The same held true for academics, which during my early school years challenged me immensely, and frankly, worried my parents and teachers greatly. Yet with perseverance, I understood the benefits of academia, earning not one, but three college degrees in the areas of technology, psychology, and business.
Lastly, manual labor as simple as mowing the lawn or laying a slate walkway taught me the value of hard work and a sense of satisfaction, as well as how my efforts affected others, both short and long term.
Collectively, these experiences helped me develop grit, passion, and purpose. As Angela Duckworth says, “At its core, the idea of purpose is the idea that what we do matters to people other than ourselves.” My childhood experiences led me to a career in technology, an ever-changing and globally applied industry. One that would allow me to fulfill my dream of making a difference in this world and the communities I serve.
With years of experience and expertise under my belt, which I am very proud to share with Kroll as their chief information officer, it’s important for me to note that I also feel an immense amount of pride and gratitude as a Sikh woman in the world of IT. It’s truly been a transformative experience for me and I have my family to thank for that.
All the roles I have held to this point, including my current position, have afforded me the opportunity to shape the world for others—from my own three children, who have shown me a thing or two, to the many colleagues I have had the pleasure of knowing. Making an impact on the evolution of a company or the people that come in and out of my life—watching them move on to bigger and better things—is a true continuation of my family legacy of leaving people and places in a “better spot” than before. This I am most proud of!