Partner and vice chair of the Business Litigation Group at Ulmer & Berne LLP, Robin Miller’s practice focuses on complex commercial litigation. She represents publicly traded corporations and small private businesses, as well as universities at all stages of litigation, including requests for immediate injunctive relief, trials and appeals. Miller has experience defending and pursuing a variety of cases involving breach of contract, fraud, defamation, non-compete agreements, trade secret misappropriation, construction, employment discrimination and product liability. Her voice and leadership are helping to shape the Group’s trajectory in years to come and its ability to deliver unsurpassed quality to clients today.
Miller’s trial advocacy skills reach all the way to the Supreme Court of Ohio, where she has successfully argued on behalf of her clients. Her skills as a lawyer and unwavering professionalism have earned her the respect of her colleagues, both inside her firm and throughout the legal community. She has served as co-chair of the firm’s women’s professional development committee and is involved with the National Association of Women In Construction. She was recently named a Client Service All-Star by BTI Consulting.
When asked to recount her biggest professional obstacle and how she overcame it, Miller replies, “There are not a lot of women who practice in complex commercial litigation. I had to fight for challenging opportunities and then prove to colleagues, judges, juries and clients that I was just as aggressive and worthy as my adversaries.”
For Miller, diversity and inclusion have a personal importance. “Inclusion promotes compassion and teamwork, both of which are very important to me,” she says. “We all have different values and experiences. Inclusion allows us to capitalize on both for the greater good. No organization benefits from being narrow-minded.”
Miller tells young women on their way up, “Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to speak up and out. Take calculated risks, ask for the tough assignments and hold yourself accountable. And always remember where you came from and what it took (and who helped) to get you where you are.”