Take Your Seat
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the noise? So many opinions …. No one else will make things quiet and calm for us. We must draw a line in the sand and take a stand. We must start to say NO.
NO. I will not succumb to the delusional concept that I must (or should) be all things to all people.
NO. I will not accept that I must decide between a thriving family and a thriving career.
NO. I will not listen to the pessimistic voice saying most men want me and my female peers to fail.
NO. I do not choose a path that brings emotional isolation because I am the ONLY one experiencing something and I have pulled out of a community of others who can relate to my situation.
NO. I do not accept that because I was a first-generation college student, and learned many lessons on the battlefield of life, I am in some way inferior to anyone—male or female.
NO. I do not accept that my five children will experience the same type of biased behavior that I have experienced and observed in my career.
I DO accept that I was born with a purpose. My purpose, in business, is to lead: First, lead myself; second, lead others; third, lead thriving companies; and fourth, inspire more leaders
For the past 20 years, I have worked with hundreds of companies to equip them to strategically invest in acquiring, equipping, and promoting talent. Thousands of hours spent with leaders from every functional area led me to the realization that the potential barriers to an individual’s success, when managed wisely, are exactly the qualities that can become the catalyst for true, authentic leadership—leadership that wins short-term business battles and builds thriving careers. Quarterly earnings, strong balance sheets, great strategy, relentless execution, effective communication, team buy-in … Those are the building blocks of an effective business. But those blocks will fall if leaders aren’t acting “leaderly.” If hesitation is born out of insecurity and fear instead of wisdom, the team suffers.
So, take your seat. If you are a woman who is ready to take on the challenge and responsibility of true leadership, we need you. Your voice and perspective are essential. Your input is a gift to those around you. Your courage inspires us. And we are behind you.