Increasing Diversity in STEM
We have to continue to expose children at early ages to STEM. As employers, we should be forward-thinking and work with local schools at all grade levels in both urban and suburban areas to ensure that all children have access to professionals in STEM and programs that support it.
Having a career in STEM can change the social economics of a whole family. We are obligated to help plant the seeds that drive curiosity and expose these children to careers in areas they wouldn’t have normally been exposed to.
The Changing World of STEM
It’s clear that there has been a significant uptick in conversation around diversity in STEM. Science, technology, engineering, and math are related to everything—there are so many opportunities to touch STEM in almost every industry. In my opinion, it’s a great improvement, and it allows for a level of representation and consideration that hasn’t been as prominent in the past.
Moving Women in STEM Forward
Executives who hold leadership roles in the workforce must be active advocates and allies for women in the workplace. They have to expose these women to new opportunities, develop them, mentor them, and stand up for them if injustice occurs.
Real change relies on individuals who actively get involved and champion women pursuing careers in STEM. It’s not okay for us to just be satisfied with our own progress and not think about the progress and development of others. My job as a leader is to help other people win.
Women in STEM 5 Years Out
Over time, I think women will continue to occupy more STEM roles that have a significant impact at companies in all industries. We will be in positions that allow us to have a strong voice at the table, and will advocate for other women and underrepresented people to have a seat at the table as well. It won’t happen overnight, but we will continue to see progress over the next five years.
My STEM Experience
For the past 10 years, I’ve focused on recruiting professionals in STEM. I’ve had the fortunate experience of recruiting, screening and selecting some of the best female talent in STEM for various roles across the country. I continue to be inspired by the stories and triumph of all the incredible female leaders in technology and engineering with whom I’ve had the pleasure of working.