We Are Breaking through that Glass Ceiling
Thank you Profiles in Diversity Journal for this award and for highlighting women in leadership! I am honored to be recognized, as this award is demonstrating that the glass ceiling is breaking all over the country. I am privileged to work for a Fortune 4 company led by a strong woman, Karen Lynch. Her leadership team is increasingly diverse and filled with talented and amazing women. While some women may still bump up against the glass ceiling, there are more and more examples every year of instances where talented and deserving women are breaking through.
I was blessed with supportive parents who encouraged and expected the same from my sister and me as they did from my brothers. I did not even realize there was a glass ceiling until I really started down a leadership path. I have also had many strong mentors in the past who, regardless of gender, have encouraged me to push forward and expect as much from myself as they expected from me. At one point, I realized my glass ceiling was there because I put it there. Why, how, and when I put it there is irrelevant, but realizing that I controlled it was a turning point for me. Turning that realization into action was a fun and rewarding journey.
I want my daughter and all women to know that they control their future. To paraphrase amazing advice my daughter received from one of her mentors at graduation: “You don’t have to be the loudest or an extrovert to be heard. Be you, and go break the glass ceiling!” Take advantage of the mentors in your life and learn from them. Ask them questions, and you will be helping them every bit as much as they are helping you.
While I am thrilled with so many examples of woman in leadership positions this year, I look forward to the day that it’s not the exception, but the new normal. My advice to future generations of woman is this: “Don’t be satisfied with examples of the glass ceiling being broken. Keep pushing until the term is removed from our lexicon and you truly believe the sky is the limit!”