Being a Working Mom Changed My Perception of Success
I’ve observed that when women have children, we often feel an obligation to pull back on our careers. It feels daunting to take care of another human being and continue to push ahead at work with the same tenacity and commitment as before.
However, what’s important is that we not pull back, but instead recognize that we need to grow and develop in new ways to continue our success. We need to be better at prioritizing and delegating, both at work and at home. I will forever be grateful for my husband’s encouragement to keep my career when we had kids. Instead of taking a few years off, he helped me push forward, rather than pull back. I’ve come to realize how valuable my career is to my own sense of self and balance as a mother of three.
One of the biggest challenges for working mothers is figuring out how to be both a mom and a professional. Trying to balance both creates tension. Take advantage of resources around you, and don’t feel guilty about needing help. Accept help when it’s offered and ask for it when needed. I once had a female boss who realized I needed help and actually found me a nanny. That boss became an important mentor and seeing her go through similar experiences was inspiring.
Being a professional and a parent teaches my kids important lessons too. I have two boys, and each night I tell them about the “highs and lows” of my day. I want them to understand the challenges women face in the workforce but also the successes. Raising boys who will enter the workforce with respect and admiration for women is the greatest contribution I can make to the #MeToo movement and gender equality.
Being a working mom has changed my perception of what it means to be successful. I now recognize that at the end of the day, I am only one person. Every day I do my best to be a good leader at work, and a good parent at home. And I am grateful for those two roles every day.