As you advance in your career, you’re often asked about the secret of success. The most important things for me have been determination, perseverance, and a bit of good luck.
Life has taught me the importance of being in touch with who you are. That means knowing your strengths, your weaknesses and your own innate ability to decide what’s best for you. It means being flexible and adaptable when life’s journey takes an unexpected turn. It means making choices that engage your heart and mind. Don’t make a choice of any kind just because it ranks high on someone else’s scale of achievement or even because it seems to be simply the logical thing to do at that moment on your path.
It’s important to maintain a positive attitude. I believe in enjoying the job you’re in. You have the power to make it fun, meaningful, and challenging. A positive, can-do attitude is everything. Sometimes, how you deal with the events in your life is more important than what has happened to you. That’s something I learned from my mom. We have a lot more control in our careers and in our lives than we give ourselves credit for.
Some might call it idealistic, but I believe our goal in life should be to make the world a better place for those who come after us. That message becomes even more relevant as we take on leadership roles, because I believe good leadership is not about title and position. It’s about creating an environment where others can achieve their potential, where people can make a significant difference. Leadership is not about what you do, but about what those people you are trying to inspire accomplish when their hopes, dreams, skills, and talents are unleashed.
It is also important to realize that we all need to rely on others. And in turn, we need to be there for others. Those of us who have gained experience and a measure of success have an obligation to share what we have learned by being a friend or mentor to others.