My personal and professional experiences have taught me many things, including the importance of leading by example, recognizing great talent and building strong teams. I strive to provide my team members with the right opportunities to showcase their strengths and excel in their careers. Being a successful leader is a lifelong endeavor.
I believe there are five essential characteristics that make a successful leader. A leader must first be strategic. He or she must set goals and have a clear vision and plan for the future. Second, a leader ought to be courageous. A true leader will be on the frontline instilling confidence and providing support, while leading their team towards success.
Third, a leader has to inspire and motivate people to help them meet and achieve their goals. Fourth, humility is a necessity. A leader must be able to admit when he or she is wrong or has made a mistake.
Lastly and what I deem as the most important attribute, a leader must be honest and have integrity. His or her team will appreciate someone who is sincere, truthful and acts in a way that is consistent with his or her principles.
Supporting these leadership qualities are the five core values held by my organization, which I believe will help your employees enhance their skills and move toward their career goals. These values are Bold, Accountable, Empowered, Meritocratic and Fun. Bold represents one’s determination to approach every situation with dynamic, innovative thinking. Accountable means embracing responsibilities to achieve goals or targets. Empowered is being charged to make a difference – as a team – in a sustainable way. A meritocracy rewards high performers and encourages individual growth. And my personal favorite, fun, means working and playing hard while fostering an environment where people enjoy coming to work every day.
With a vision for the future and a solid strategy for getting there, good leaders foster change. To accomplish this change, I recommend that you surround yourself with highly talented people who are passionate, creative and intuitive. This will pave the way for creating a dynamic and rewarding environment for both you and your employees.