Working to build buildings and hoping to build good lives for all

Our lives are filled with highs and lows, and within them lies immense potential and opportunities for growth, enabling us to become what we aspire to be, regardless of the challenges we’ve encountered in the past. I’ve learned not to be anchored by my history, but to embrace its lessons and forge ahead, building my future one step at a time.

My journey has been complex. I was born in Mexico and raised by my grandparents while my mother migrated to the United States. At the age of 6, I experienced abuse in silence. Meeting my father at 12 left me feeling isolated, and at 15, I became a single mother, learning self-reliance from a young age. Despite it all, I managed to transform my business acumen into a thriving enterprise. Today, I proudly serve as a life coach and CEO of my own company, L.B. Hall, competing in a predominantly male market. Additionally, I founded HOLA HAPPY, an organization empowering young single mothers to achieve their educational dreams.

My family provides unwavering support, and I deeply cherish my work. I see myself as entrepreneurial, focused, self-taught, and practical. Understanding the significance of forgiveness and personal and spiritual growth, I embrace challenges as stepping stones to uncover my true potential and the inner strength bestowed upon me by God.

In the toughest moments, God’s love sustains me and brings forth solutions. I place my trust in Him, knowing that all I set my mind to is achievable, no matter the obstacles that come my way.

My aspiration is to surround myself with visionary women who uplift one another without rivalry. I crave an environment where we can embrace vulnerability without victimizing ourselves, growing spiritually by learning from our experiences. My passion lies in inspiring women facing adversities, demonstrating that hope prevails, and obstacles can be overcome.

If you find yourself facing difficult times, don’t lose hope. Embrace each experience as a catalyst for growth and a source of invaluable lessons. If you hold onto your dreams and have the desire to flourish, an an abundance of possibilities awaits you. Let’s walk this journey together, supporting each other, and witnessing how we achieve our goals, crafting a magnificent future.