From my 30 years’ experience in the business world, I have found that there are two overriding factors associated with
success: customer service and respectful treatment of others.
At an early age, I was exposed to an environment in which both of my parents were role models with professional careers. On many occasions through the years, my father would take me into his office with him on Saturday mornings. I observed first hand how he treated his work and how he dealt with others. It became very obvious that he was committed to excellence in everything he was involved with. Additionally, he always took the time to stop and listen to people’s concerns, and it was quite obvious he genuinely cared about them. He was a true role model and set example after example for me to follow. He definitely set the highest of standards of customer service.
Through the course of my career, from administrative assistant to general manager, no matter what my responsibilities were, it all came down to customer service. My customers may have been my supervisors, my peers, my subordinates, or even…my actual customers. In every case, the manner in which we respond to our customers is what really makes the difference. Whatever your functional area of responsibility, you must remember to provide the best customer service that you can in your capacity. In particular, that boils down to living up to your commitments, treating others with genuine concern and respect, and going a step further than what is expected of you.
Along with that comes a can-do attitude. When you are enthusiastic and optimistic, and exude a positive attitude, it multiplies and spreads to those around you.With that outlook comes an energy that propels you to get things done. This only serves to enhance your ability to serve your customers. Above all else, you have to be driven to delight your customers—a commitment to excellence.