A lot of what anyone accomplishes is a result of the start you get in life. I was lucky enough to be raised by hard-working parents who encouraged my brothers and me. They helped all of us develop confidence—and, just as importantly, a work ethic—that there was nothing we couldn’t accomplish if we worked hard to achieve our goals.
Many of the lessons my parents taught me have stayed with me and helped me succeed in my work and family life:
Be Honest. That’s important in your words and your actions, because people will know when you’re not being truthful.
Work Together. It’s nearly impossible to accomplish any- thing on your own. You need to respect the people you work with and truly believe in the value of teamwork. You also need to understand that many things in life involve compromise. Nobody has all the answers, but, working together, you can accomplish your goals.
Encourage One Another. My parents taught me many valuable lessons, but maybe the most important is that people may forget what you say, but they will never forget how you made them feel. I really believe that the reason I’ve accomplished what I have is because no one ever told me that I couldn’t.
Be Passionate About What You’re Doing. If you love getting up in the morning and truly believe in your work, you’ve taken a big step in the right direction. Talent and capabilities can only take you so far. Real success requires inspiration. I’ve found that inspiration in my family, friends and co-workers, whose support and confi- dence have helped me throughout my career.