As diverse professional women, we have a fundamental responsibility to identify and provide opportunities for young professionals. These young professionals must have demonstrated the ability and the commitment to become excellent executives. It is a privilege and a responsibility to share career paths, experiences, successes and disappointments that came from accepting opportunities and challenges that made us better managers and stronger people.
It is important to know what you do not know. This is a sign of self-confidence and an inquisitive mind. This is a sign of self-confidence and an inquisitive mind. Every day presents the opportunity to learn something new.
Strive for excellence. Details make the difference. Being committed, dependable and responsible will develop your credibility as a professional, an indispensable element for success.
Keep an open mind. Be flexible. Setting goals and objectives is crucial, but being willing to listen and adapt to the environ- ment is imperative. There is more than one way to achieve the goals.
Set priorities in life, and be willing to sacrifice. Be positive. Always look for the brighter side of things. Be able to laugh at yourself and keep your sense of humor.
Do not abuse power; it is a privilege. Become a good communicator; it is the key to success.