What can be done to move women forward in STEM?

First, those of us who are already in the STEM field should continue to pursue our dreams to advance in our careers and represent women in the STEM field. Our continued efforts and presence in the field show young girls that there are professionals who look like them who succeed in STEM. Second, early exposure of STEM to young girls and the introduction of different job tracks and possibilities to teenage and college students will also increase their interest in STEM.

Where do you see women in STEM in five years?

We have seen an increase of women in the STEM workforce over the years, and firms are actively engaged in retaining and mentoring young female associates. We try to encourage these young women and remind them of the values they can bring to the team. Firms are also promoting outstanding female attorneys to leadership roles. With increased awareness of the importance of having more women in the STEM field, and a rise in the number of women in leadership and executive roles at tech companies and law firms, I expect more women will be encouraged and inspired to join the field.

Describe your experiences as a woman in a STEM career.

I went to a science and technology high school, surrounded by hundreds of bright females interested in pursuing a career in STEM. Many of them went on to become doctors and engineers, but others left the field of STEM. I was fortunate enough to pursue my career in patent litigation since I first learned about it in middle school. I loved math and science, but had I not known about this job, I may have been deterred from pursuing a STEM career. I would like the readers and young girls out there to know that there are numerous jobs related to STEM, and there will be even more in the near future.